OUCC Proceedings 13 (1991)

Exploration in Britain

Brownhill - Update       [1999 update]

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Proc. 13 Contents.

June 2nd. After a long break due to the bad weather a return was made. A swift and efficient descent saw us at the sump in an hour and a half. The plastic sheet had mysteriously vanished.

Kitting up was a pain. Then a steady trip to the end of the line. The passage ahead proved to be floored with very loose fine silt, not a spike or boulder anywhere; snoopy loops useless and no lead carried. I trundled out 70m of line in a uniform 2-3m wide, 1-1.5m high tube, feeling a bit uncomfortable about the line floating behind. I hadn't seen any trapping narrow bits, but...

Nearly on thirds, I decided to go to the next tag on the line and then call it a day. Surveyed the bearings at each 10m tag on the way out. Total length so far is 275m. A pleasure, as ever, to get to the bottom of the Well and rise up the line on a long breath.

A good trip, and then to the Marton, where the NCC gave us the update on King Pot. The plastic sheet wasn't found at all, so if the King divers come out ready-wrapped, we'll know why.

Thanks again to everybody who has been stupid enough to carry for me and to OUCC for their tolerance.

Steve Roberts