Oxford University Cave Club

Pictures from the Picos de Europa, Asturias, Spain

1988 "Las Brujas" expedition

Picos Pictures

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OUCC Home Page

Exploration of Pozu Jultayu (2/7).  For more information:                                  

Underground: Pictures are roughly in order of progression down the cave.

88_57_27_ent_group.jpg (453559 bytes)
2/7: getting changed
88_60_27_ent_snowplug.jpg (370577 bytes)
2/7: Snowplug
88_01_7thheav_pitch.jpg (443140 bytes)
2/7: 7th Heaven
88_02_7thheav_base.jpg (389621 bytes)
2/7: Bottom of 7th Heaven
88_04_fossiltube.jpg (553143 bytes)
2/7: Infill
88_03_paradise_squeeze.jpg (625934 bytes)
2/7: Paradise
88_05_paradise_sq.jpg (497306 bytes)
2/7: Paradise
88_71_lynn_bolt.jpg (607708 bytes)
2/7: Lynn's bolt
88_72_lynn_bolt.jpg (537364 bytes)
2/7: Lynn's bolt
88_06_traverse.jpg (503009 bytes)
2/7: Flying R
88_08_flying_rebelles.jpg (502688 bytes)
2/7: Flying Rébellés
88_07_popcorn_rift.jpg (535533 bytes)
2/7: Popcorn rift
88_09_flowstone.jpg (507148 bytes)
2/7: Flowstone
88_10_todger.jpg (428792 bytes)
2/7: Graham's Todger
88_11_ascension_traverse.jpg (489172 bytes)
2/7: Ascension pot
88_73_tombs_pessimists_top.jpg (358900 bytes)
2/7: Pessimist's Pot
88_12_pessimists.jpg (435402 bytes)
2/7: Pessimist's pot
88_13_armageddon.jpg (400161 bytes)
2/7: Armageddon
88_20_awesome_prusikker.jpg (370103 bytes)
2/7: Bottom of Just Awesome
88_22_awesome_fall.jpg (387331 bytes)
2/7: Just Awesome waterfall
88_17_round_rocks.jpg (480534 bytes)
2/7: Boulders in the stream
88_14_streamway.jpg (456749 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A.
88_15_boulder_streamway.jpg (439518 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_16_stripeywall.jpg (453004 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_18_horsley_rocks.jpg (443363 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_23_streamgroup.jpg (464014 bytes)
2/7: Streamway group
88_24_stream_laverty.jpg (425323 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_26_stream.jpg (391839 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_30_dan_stream.jpg (490599 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_27_camp.jpg (409567 bytes)
2/7: Camp
88_25_camp.jpg (408095 bytes)
2/7: Camp
88_21_camp.jpg (444151 bytes)
2/7: Camp
88_29_stream.jpg (367056 bytes)
2/7: Streamway below camp
88_19_greenstream.jpg (539509 bytes)
2/7; Carbide refuel
88_31_climb.jpg (442019 bytes)
2/7: Streamway traverse
88_32_climb.jpg (495743 bytes)
2/7: Streamway climb
88_33_waterfall.jpg (459342 bytes)
2/7: Streamway climb
88_34_dansboldstep1.jpg (423126 bytes)
2/7: Dan's Bold Step
88_35_dansboldstep2.jpg (445581 bytes)
2/7: Dan's Bold Step
88_37_streamtraverse.jpg (443881 bytes)
2/7: Streamway traverse
88_38_streampassage.jpg (448802 bytes)
2/7: Streamway
88_39_dan_wetclimb.jpg (488126 bytes)
2/&: Streamway climb
88_70_mace_streamway.jpg (576839 bytes)
2/7: Dan Mace
88_36_chokepassage.jpg (434358 bytes)
2/7: High levels
88_80_surveying.jpg (459859 bytes)
2/7: Surveying the London Underground


88_40_jultayu.jpg (523680 bytes)
Ario: Jultayu
88_41_culiembro_resurge.jpg (521074 bytes)
Cares Gorge: Culiembro resurgence
88_42_Cul_dye_collect.jpg (403608 bytes)
Cares Gorge: Culiembro resurgence
88_46_culiem_resurg.jpg (451596 bytes)
Cares Gorge: Culiembro resurgence
88_78_tombs_diving.jpg (677238 bytes)
Cares: Jon Tombs jumps
88_75_tombs_diving.jpg (545065 bytes)
Cares: Jon Tombs dives
88_77_rose_F56.jpg (689744 bytes)
F56: Phil Rose
88_47_F65_ML_PR.jpg (523056 bytes)
F56: entrance
88_48_F56_ent.jpg (498728 bytes)
F56: entrance
88_49_F56_ent.jpg (504695 bytes)
F56: entrance
88_50_ariocamp.jpg (484961 bytes)
Ario: Camp
88_51_stead_collapse.jpg (594948 bytes)
Ario: William Stead
88_52_cornion.jpg (420304 bytes)
Ario: Picos de Cornion
88_79_dan_mace.jpg (658188 bytes)
Ario: Dan Mace
88_74_sunrise.jpg (394003 bytes)
Ario: Sunrise
88_63_sunrise.jpg (277391 bytes)
Ario: sunrise
88_62_tent_in_puddle.jpg (443355 bytes)
Ario: Tent pitching lesson
88_76_la_Jayada.jpg (337539 bytes)
La Jayada
88_66_ario_group.jpg (685634 bytes)
Ario: Group photo
88_43_Jultayu_ridge.jpg (618820 bytes)
Jultayu: Summit ridge
88_44_Jultayu_ridge.jpg (587892 bytes)
Jultayu: Summit ridge
88_45_walker.jpg (588363 bytes)
Top Camp area
88_59_sherry_rope.jpg (387097 bytes)
Base: Sherry Mayo
88_58_van_back.jpg (404892 bytes)
Base: Yellow Van
88_61_brennan_mace.jpg (539856 bytes)
Base: Mace and Brennan
88_64_expdn_dinner.jpg (481933 bytes)
Santander: Dinner
88_67_sherry_two_cigars.jpg (430321 bytes)
Base: Two cigars
88_65_beach_party.jpg (539761 bytes)
Beach party
88_69_lynn_smith_van_dent.jpg (494823 bytes)
Oxford: Dented van


88_53_spon_nuts.jpg (474971 bytes)
2/7: Sponsorship: Big D
88_54_spon_ever.jpg (415710 bytes)
2/7: Sponsorship: Ever-ready
88_55_spon_primula.jpg (432893 bytes)
2/7: Sponsorship: Primula
88_56_spon_ever.jpg (488436 bytes)
2/7: Sponsorship: Ever-ready