Oxford University Cave Club

Pictures from the Picos de Europa, Asturias, Spain

Pozu Jultayu - 2/7 [cave description]

Streamway and High Levels

See also stills from the film about 2/7 - "Cave of the Witch's Eye"

2/7 Pictures

Picos Caves Pictures

OUCC pictures

OUCC Home Page

1988 Pictures 

88_17_round_rocks.jpg (480534 bytes)
2/7: Boulders in the stream
88_14_streamway.jpg (456749 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A.
88_15_boulder_streamway.jpg (439518 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_16_stripeywall.jpg (453004 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_18_horsley_rocks.jpg (443363 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_23_streamgroup.jpg (464014 bytes)
2/7: Streamway group
88_24_stream_laverty.jpg (425323 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_26_stream.jpg (391839 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_30_dan_stream.jpg (490599 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A
88_27_camp.jpg (409567 bytes)
2/7: Camp
88_25_camp.jpg (408095 bytes)
2/7: Camp
88_21_camp.jpg (444151 bytes)
2/7: Camp
88_29_stream.jpg (367056 bytes)
2/7: Streamway below camp
88_19_greenstream.jpg (539509 bytes)
2/7; Carbide refuel
88_31_climb.jpg (442019 bytes)
2/7: Streamway traverse
88_32_climb.jpg (495743 bytes)
2/7: Streamway climb
88_33_waterfall.jpg (459342 bytes)
2/7: Streamway climb
88_34_dansboldstep1.jpg (423126 bytes)
2/7: Dan's Bold Step
88_35_dansboldstep2.jpg (445581 bytes)
2/7: Dan's Bold Step
88_37_streamtraverse.jpg (443881 bytes)
2/7: Streamway traverse
88_38_streampassage.jpg (448802 bytes)
2/7: Streamway
88_39_dan_wetclimb.jpg (488126 bytes)
2/&: Streamway climb
88_36_chokepassage.jpg (434358 bytes)
2/7: High levels
88_80_surveying.jpg (459859 bytes)
2/7: Surveying the London Underground
88_70_mace_streamway.jpg (576839 bytes)
2/7: Dan Mace

1989 Pictures 

89_A012_wlodek_waterfallhead.jpg (335970 bytes)
2/7: head of Just Awesome waterfall
89_A013_wlodek_stream.jpg (334741 bytes)
2/7: Stream on Big Ledge
89_A014_wlodek_stream.jpg (348525 bytes)
2/7: Stream on Big Ledge
89_A010_awesome1.jpg (233044 bytes)
2/7 Just Awesome
89_A011_awesome2.jpg (245108 bytes)
2/7: Just Awesome
89_A025_heathrow.jpg (233209 bytes)
2/7: Heathrow
89_A004.jpg (249006 bytes)
2/7: London Underground!
89_A037_london_underground.jpg (232992 bytes)
2/7: London Underground
89_A041_london_underground.jpg (254017 bytes)
2/7: The London Underground
89_A022_pearls.jpg (331127 bytes)
2/7: Cave pearls
89_A023_SGR_london_underground.jpg (320028 bytes)
2/7: Heathrow flowstone
89_A024_fred_w_pearls.jpg (317778 bytes)
2/7: Cave pearls
89_A003_wickham_pearls.jpg (309281 bytes)
2/7: Cave pearls
89_A035_wlodek_surveying.jpg (376594 bytes)
2/7: Surveying
89_A036_fred_w_heaving.jpg (315130 bytes)
2/7: Marble Arch
89_A026_picadilly.jpg (281558 bytes)
2/7: Marble Arch
89_A027_boulder_climb.jpg (321228 bytes)
2/7: Paddington choke
89_A006_wlodek_waterfall.jpg (425085 bytes)
2/7: Waterfall
89_A017_wlodek_stream.jpg (433933 bytes)
2/7: Streamway
89_A018.jpg (346681 bytes)
2/7: Streamway
89_A019_stream_traverse.jpg (331635 bytes)
2/7: Streamway traverses
89_A020_climb_mann.jpg (360304 bytes)
2/7: Streamway climbs
89_A021_stream_ledge.jpg (378066 bytes)
2/7: Streamway ledge
89_A038_wlodek_traversing.jpg (361757 bytes)
2/7: Stream traverses
89_A040_streamway_traversing.jpg (238448 bytes)
2/7: Stream traverses
89_A045_battery_changing.jpg (501809 bytes)
2/7: Sponsorship: Ever-ready
89_A016_carbide_refill.jpg (366940 bytes)
2/7: Fettling
89_A008_seddon_stal.jpg (263064 bytes)
2/7: Stal in Mr Jones
89_A009_wlodek_stream.jpg (308250 bytes)
2/7: Streamway near Mr. Jones
89_A001.jpg (232399 bytes)
2/7 Streamway
89_A007_seddon_stal_stream.jpg (398973 bytes)
2/7: Mr Jones
89_A039_seddon_mud_formations.jpg (365148 bytes)
2/7: Mud formations
89_A044_camp_gavin_lowe_wlodek.jpg (292645 bytes)
2/7: U/g camp meal
89_A015_camp.jpg (354292 bytes)
2/7: Camp
89_A034_camp.jpg (252410 bytes)
2/7: Camp
89_A046_steve_roberts_at_camp.jpg (313838 bytes)
2/7: Sponsorship: Alpinex
89_A032_picos_post.jpg (330520 bytes)
2/7: Picos post
89_A033_picos_post.jpg (349340 bytes)
2/7: Picos post
89_A005_primulapt.jpg (314868 bytes)
2/7: Primula Point
89_A043_.jpg (342266 bytes)
2/7: Tony Seddon
89_A042_choke_drusilla_wlodek.jpg (408317 bytes)
2/7: Choke Drusilla


89_A028_terminal_stream_pendule.jpg (302041 bytes)
2/7: Streamway Pendule
89_A002_horsley_at_egbert.jpg (251718 bytes)
2/7: Near Choke Egbert
89_A029_horsley_egbert.jpg (274314 bytes)
2/7: stream before Egbert