Oxford University Cave Club

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OUCC this term

Club Caving Meetings, Michaelmas Term 2022

(end of)






0 8th-9th October Freshers' weekend, South Wales £55 SWCC Fiona Zhang


29th-30th October Freshers' weekend, South Wales
(joint weekend with Imperial College)
£55 SWCC Vlad Catanea




11th-13th November Northern Dales £60 YSS Rosa Clements




25th-27th November Mendips, CHECC £60 TBA Izzy Innes



Other meets may be organised - please check at Wednesday meetings or via the OUCC mailing lists.

Details of the trips will be advertised closer in time. They will mostly be advertised on the "oucc-all" mailing list.
So if you want to stay up to date, please sign up following the instructions on the website: http://www.oucc.org.uk/current/mailists.htm

PLEASE help and volunteer to organise a weekend. If no-one organises the weekends they won't happen.
There is a detailed crib sheet on the website telling you exactly how to organise a weekend. Take a Look!

How to Sign up for a Caving Trip

  Trips must be paid for in advance. Payment is by an online system.
covers: loan of equipment, transport, accommodation, food on site; but not food in transit or what you spend in the pub! See here for more information.
If you haven't been caving with us before but want to give it a go, membership and insurance for your first term with OUCC is free!

Your first Caving Trip?

Read this important information and complete this online OUCC Pre-Trip information form

Single Rope Technique

  Going to the Dales? Going on an expedition ? Don't know the ropes ? - try SRT Training.

Trip Details

0th week 8th-9th October Wales Freshers' weekend, SWCC

For our first Freshers' weekend we're heading to South Wales Caving Club which is right above Ogof Ffynnon Ddu, the deepest cave in the UK! There are lots of great beginner trips in OFD, we'll hopefully explore both the top and the bottom entrances, which are pretty different in character and both good fun with fantastic formations to see. We'll be setting off on Saturday, but meeting up on Friday evening to choose and try on caving kit.
Sign up here: https://www.oxforduniversitystores.co.uk/product-catalogue/oxford-university-cave-club/ou-cave-club-trips/oucc-trip-mt22-0th-week-wales-freshers 
Organiser: Fiona, sifei.zhang@queens.ox.ac.uk

3rd week 29th-30th October Wales Freshers' weekend, SWCC (joint weekend with Imperial)

Our second Freshers' trip will also be to South Wales, it really is a very good place to start caving. However, you can absolutely come on both Wales weekends, we'll make sure to find something different for you if you've been on the 0th week trip. We have a permit for Pant Mawr, another cave near SWCC where you might find yourself climbing a ladder. We'll also be meeting up with ICCC, perhaps doing some joint trips with them and challenging them to caving games in the evening! It should be a lot of fun.
Sign up here: https://www.oxforduniversitystores.co.uk/product-catalogue/oxford-university-cave-club/ou-cave-club-trips/oucc-trip-mt22-3rd-week-south-wales
Organiser: Vlad, vlad.catanea@balliol.ox.ac.uk

5th week 11th-13th November Dales, YSS

In 5th week, we'll be heading to the Yorkshire Dales where there are lots and lots of caves! Many of which known for their beautiful streamways and shafts. Most of the caves here are quite vertical and we're hoping to do some SRT (single rope technique). You can do SRT if you've been on one of the Wales weekends and one of the SRT pratices (which we'll organise on one of the weekends we're not caving when the weather is decent). However we can also do beginner trips on this weekend for those who aren't ready for SRT yet.
Sign up here: https://www.oxforduniversitystores.co.uk/product-catalogue/oxford-university-cave-club/ou-cave-club-trips/oucc-trip-mt22-5th-week-yorkshire-dales
Organiser: Rosa, rosa.clements@somerville.oxon.net

7th week 25th-27th November Mendips, CHECC

Our last weekend of term will be the CHECC (Council of Higher Education Caving Clubs) forum, which is where student caving clubs from all over the country meet up to go caving and have a massive party! There are also lots of games, competitions, and training sessions, it's basically packed full of good things to do. We'll be in the Mendips and we have a code to get to Fairy Cave in addition to the Mendip caves we more usually visit. Since this is our nearest caving area, we should be able to arrive in good time for Friday night's fancy dress fun.
(Note that the cost is slightly higher than a normal Mendip weekend, to cover the costs of an additional overnight stay, and the CHECC registration fee.)
Sign up here: https://www.oxforduniversitystores.co.uk/product-catalogue/oxford-university-cave-club/ou-cave-club-trips/oucc-trip-mt22-7th-week-mendips-checc
Organiser: Izzy, isobel.innes@chch.ox.ac.uk

Bristol Exploration Club; BPC: Bradford Pothole Club; BPF: Bull Pot Farm;
Lancashire Caving & Climbing Club; MCG: Mendip Caving Group;
Northern Pennine Club; Orpheus: Orpheus Caving Club; SMCC: Shepton Mallet Caving Club;
:  South Wales Caving Club; TSG: Technical Speleo Group; UBSS: University of Bristol Speleological Society
Wessex Caving Club; Whitewalls: Chelsea Speleological Society; WSG: Westminster Speleo Group;
Yorkshire Dales Guides:
(Hornby Laithe Bunkbarn); YSS: Yorkshire Subterranean Society.